1. 国家自然科学地区基金(51963007):含氟聚酰亚胺/Eu-MOF混合基质膜的构筑及其气体分离与传感性能研究(2020.01-2023.12)(主持在研)
2. 国家自然科学地区基金(51563005):改性剑麻纤维素微晶/碳化硅/聚酰亚胺基高性能导热摩擦复合材料的设计、制备与性能研究(2016.01-2019.12)(主持结题)
3. 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2020GXNSFAA159006):含氟聚酰亚胺/Eu-MOF混合基质膜的制备及其CO2气体分离与毒性气体传感性能研究(2020.07-2023.07)(主持在研)
4. 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2014GXNSFAA118040):光互连通讯用含氟聚酰亚胺光波导材料的设计与性能研究(2014.06-2017.05)(主持结题)
5. 桂林市科学研究与技术开发计划项目(2020010906):智能绿色增材制造技术创新联合研究中心建设(2020.12-2023.12)(主持在研)
1. Shiqing Lai‡, Yufei Shi‡, Weilian Wu, Bowen Wei, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Highly soluble fluorinated polyimides with promising gas transport performance and optical transparency. Polymer Chemistry, 2023, 14, 359-373.
2. Weilian Wu, Hongchao Niu, Shiqing Lai, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Synthesis, characterization, and gas separation properties of novel fluorinated co-polyimides with bulky side groups. Polymer, 2022, 257, 125273.
3. Xiaohua Huang, Lei Tang, Lin Xu, Yu Zhang, Guangyao Li, Weiling Peng, Xiaolu Guo*, Li Zhou, Chanjuan Liu*, Xing-Can Shen. A NIR-II light-modulated injectable self-healing hydrogel for synergistic photothermal/chemodynamic/chemo-therapy of melanoma and wound healing promotion. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2022, 10, 7717-7773.
4. Jing Ni, Hongchao Niu, Shiqing Lai, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Lichun Wang, Xiaohua Huang*. Synthesis of new copolyimides containing pyridine and morpholine groups for gas separation through molecular design and simulation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 139(41), e52994.
5. Weilian Wu, Shiqing Lai, Hongchao Niu, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Gas transport performance of highly heat‑resistant and organo‑soluble fluorinated polyimides with bulky pendant group. Journal of Polymer Research, 2022, 29: 438.
6. Xiaohua Huang*, Hua Li, Chanjuan Liu, Limin Zang*, Huanfu Zhou, Chun Wei. Synthesis and properties of high thermally stable and organosoluble poly(pyridine imide)s with pendent diethylaminophenyl groups. Fibers and Polymers, 2019, 20(6): 1109-1115.
7. Chanjuan Liu, Mei Mei, Limin Zang*, Huanfu Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. High thermally stable, organosoluble and hydrophobic polyimides derived from 4-[4-(1-pyrrolidinyl)phenyl]-2,6-bis(4-aminophenyl)pyridine. Macromolecular Research, 2019, 27(3), 232-237.
8. Chanjuan Liu, Hua Li, Mei Mei, Yuqi Li*, Chun Wei, Xiaohua Huang*. Thermal, soluble, and hydrophobic properties of polyimides derived from 4-(4-diethylamino)phenyl-2,6-bis(4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl)pyridine. Journal of Polymer Research, 2019, 26: 100.
9. Xiaohua Huang*, Hua Li, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Design and synthesis of high heat-resistant, soluble, and hydrophobic fluorinated polyimides containing pyridine and trifluoromethylthiophenyl units. High Performance Polymers, 2019, 31(1): 107-115.
10. Xiaohua Huang*, Beicai Chen, Chanjuan Liu, Huanfu Zhou, Chun Wei. Fabrication and characterization of high thermal and hydrophobic polyimides based on 4-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2,6-bis(4-aminophenyl)pyridine. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 135(6): 45827.
11. Xiaohua Huang*, Beicai Chen, Mei Mei, Hua Li, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Synthesis and characterization of organosoluble, thermal stable and hydrophobic polyimides derived from 4-(4-(pyrrolidinyl)phenyl)-2,6-bis(4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl)pyridine. Polymers, 2017, 9(10), 484.
12. 杨路路,陈焙才,黄孝华*,刘婵娟,韦春. 异丙基及三氟甲基可溶性聚酰胺的合成及性能研究. 高分子学报,2017, (6): 946-951.(SCI)
13. Xu Xu, Beicai Chen, Hua Li, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. High Glass Transition of Fluorinated Polyimides Derived from 4-(3,4-Difluorophenyl)-2,6- bis(4-aminophenyl)pyridine. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 35: 341-346.
14. Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Mei Mei, Guoquan Chou, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. Synthesis and characterization of organosoluble, transparent and hydrophobic fluorinated polyimides derived from 3,3′-diisopropyl-4,4′-diaminodiphenyl-4′′- trifluoromethyltoluene. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(10): 1114-1123.
15. Xiaohua Huang*, Xianglin Pei, Lichun Wang, Mei Mei, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Design and synthesis of organosoluble and transparent polyimides containing bulky substituents and noncoplanar structures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(14), 43266-43274.
16. Xiaohua Huang*, Mei Mei, Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Chun Wei. Synthesis and Characterization of fluorinated polyimide derived from 3,3'-diisopropyl-4,4'- diaminodiphenyl-3'',4''-difluorophenylmethane. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 33(10), 1159-1166.
17. Xiaohua Huang*, Mei Mei, Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Chun Wei. Synthesis and characterization of novel highly soluble and optical transparent polyimides containing tert-butyl and morpholinyl moieties. Journal of Polymer Research, 2015, 22(9), 169.
18. Chanjuan Liu, Mei Mei, Xianglin Pei, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. Aromatic Polyimides with Tertbutyl-substituted and Pendent Naphthalene units: Synthesis, Soluble, Transparent Properties. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, 33(8), 1074-1085.
19. Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei, Xiaoyi Sun*. Novel Non-coplanar and Tertbutyl-substituted Polyimides: Solubility, Optical, Thermal and Dielectric Properties. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 33(2), 277-284.
20. Yunzhou Ni, Wenfeng Jiang, Gangsheng Tong, Jianxin Chen, Jie Wang, Huimei Li, Chunyang Yu, Xiaohua Huang* and Yongfeng Zhou*. Preparation of polydopamine nanocapsules in a miscible tetrahydrofuran-buffer mixture. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015, 13(3), 686-690.
1. 黄孝华,梅媚,刘婵娟,韦春. 含叔丁基和吗啉基结构的可溶性聚酰亚胺及其制备方法,2015-06-29,中国,申请号:ZL 201510368072.6(专利转让:20200124)
2. 黄孝华,梅媚,刘婵娟,韦春. 含叔丁基和十八烷氧基结构的聚酰亚胺及其制备方法,2015-06-29,中国,申请号:ZL 201510368109.5(专利转让:20200125)
3. 黄孝华,梅 媚,付盼盼,陶歆妍,白云波. 含叔丁基和苯并呋喃结构的可溶性聚酰亚胺及其制备方法,2015-06-29,中国,申请号:ZL 201510368092.3(专利转让:20200126)
4. 黄孝华,李华,牛红超,刘婵娟,韦春. 2,2-双[4-(4-胺基苯砜基)苯基]六氟丙烷二胺单体的制备方法, 2020.03.07,中国,申请号:202010154323.1(专利授权:CN 111234218 B)
1. 2020年桂林理工大学“屏风学者”(A类);
2. 2019年广西自然科学二等奖(排名第四);
3. 2017-2018学年度“优秀班主任”;
4. 2017-2018学年度“就业工作先进个人”;
5. 2014年桂林理工大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师。